New bishops for ACE
9th October 2022
It is with great joy that we announce the appointment of two new bishops for the Anglican Convocation in Europe. Ian Ferguson and Stuart Bell will serve as Assistant Bishops under the leadership of Bishop Andy Lines.
Bishop Andy’s appointments were affirmed by the ACE Synod on 4th October after a thorough process of references, conversations and interviews.
Together with Bishop Andy, Ian and Stuart will seek to provide support and encouragement, oversight and accountability to the ACE ministers and congregations, enabling and assisting them to ‘proclaim Christ faithfully to the nations’ of Europe.
Bishop Andy writes: “I am passionate to see the peoples of this great continent have the opportunity to hear of the biblical Christ and to see lives transformed by him. Ian and Stuart share this concern and have already been demonstrably used by the Lord to this end. I look forward to seeing what more the Lord will do with and through them.”
Ian Ferguson was converted through the ministry of St Silas’ Glasgow. Married to Heather, he trained for ordination at Oak Hill Theological College under Maurice Wood and his ministry in Scotland involved pioneering and leading a new church plant in Westhill, Aberdeen for over 30 years which has, in God’s goodness, enjoyed significant growth. Despite the ‘success’ of Westhill, Ian has faced many difficulties along the way. This has particularly equipped him to empathise with and help those who are struggling in ministry.
Bishop Andy writes: “I am excited that Ian has agreed to serve in this way. His and Heather’s knowledge of Scotland and the Scottish Anglican scene will help me care for the Scottish Anglicans who look to me but I expect his long experience and wisdom to help me far more broadly than that geographical dimension. Indeed Ian has already been helping others struggling a long way from Scotland.”
Ian will be consecrated on Friday 21 October in Hull, along with 2 new assistant Bishops for the Anglican Mission in England, Lee McMunn & Tim Davies.
Stuart Bell is originally from Devon, but along with his wife Pru, was called to serve the gospel in Wales. Under his leadership St Michael’s Aberystwyth became the largest Anglican church in the principality and from where over 50 people have gone on to ordained Anglican ministry.
Now leading Fellowship 345, Stuart says, “For more than half a century I have been concerned to bring Christ to the people of Wales and the people of Wales to Christ. I am primarily a preacher/teacher with a strong evangelistic focus. My eyes are constantly searching for the people in the congregation who have not yet embraced the Gospel in its fullness. This is true of my relationships pastorally with members of our church as well as those which have been established in our local neighbourhood.”
Bishop Andy writes: “I am delighted that Stuart, with his wife Pru, have agreed to help me care for Anglican churches in Wales. Their long and distinguished service and their recognised knowledge of Welsh culture and language will be invaluable as I seek to serve the orthodox Anglican witness in the country. Stuart’s evangelistic focus is an added gift, as is the wisdom the Lord has given him in both difficult and good times.”
Stuart’s previous commitment to serving at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem this autumn means his consecration will be delayed until sometime in 2023.