Who we are

 What is the Anglican network in Europe (ANiE)?

The Anglican Network in Europe is a member of the Evangelical Alliance.  

 How is ANiE governed?

Work began in July 2020 by the ANiE Implementation drafting group who developed the Constitution and Canons following the Resolutions made by the Gafcon Primates Council appointing the Rt Rev Andy Lines as the bishop of the Anglican Network in Europe, encompassing the Convocations of the Anglican Convocation in Europe (ACE) and the Anglican Mission in England (AMiE).  The drafting group have understood that the Constitution and Canons will be the legal documentation for establishing a proto-province in-formation.

The Constitution and Canons (see below), establish a provincial framework which is recognisably Anglican in polity and doctrine.  On doctrine, there is commitment to Scripture, the historic creeds, the Book of Common Prayer, the 39 Articles, the Ordinal and the Jerusalem Declaration.  On governance, there is provision for election of a Presiding Bishop of the province and a synod with clerical and lay representation from each diocese.  The doctrinal commitments are made unchangeable.  Provision is made for clergy discipline appeals from dioceses.

2023.10.17 ANiE CIO Constitution.pdf

ANiE CIO Constitution 

2023.10.17 ANiE CIO Rules_Canons.pdf

ANiE's Canons

 How did ANiE begin?

In 2013, Gafcon recognized Anglican Mission in England (AMiE) as an authentic expression of Anglican church life and mission.

In June 2017, Gafcon appointed Andy Lines as Missionary Bishop for Europe.  His immediate task was to provide episcopal oversight for churches which had left the Scottish Episcopal Church after the change to the Canons on marriage, and any other fellowships seeking that oversight, especially within AMiE.

In 2020, the Gafcon Primates (senior Archbishops) authorised a new Anglican structure, provisionally entitled the Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE). Their resolution states that: 

“Bishop Andy Lines be appointed as the Bishop of the Anglican Network in Europe, encompassing two convocations, The Anglican Mission in England (AMiE) and the Anglican Convocation in Europe (ACE), and that Bishop Andy Lines be under the primatial oversight of whoever is the Chairman of the Primates Council for his point of accountability.” 

 Why has ANiE been formed?

The background is a process of major cultural change in the West. Many Bishops, theologians, clergy and other leaders have accommodated the Christian faith to the ideologies of the contemporary world. Key themes from the gospel message have been altered or removed, at a time when millions across Europe, increasingly influenced by secularism, have never heard the good news of Christ: his Lordship, his saving work, and the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives.

While many faithful Anglicans continue to be part of the historic structures a growing number can no longer in conscience remain and, along with others, have pioneered and established new Anglican congregations, looking to Gafcon for inspiration, authentication and oversight.

 What is GAFCON?

The Global Anglican Future Conference began in Jerusalem in 2008, bringing together faithful Anglican laity, clergy and Bishops from all over the world, committed to upholding the historic Christian confessions within Anglicanism. In 2009 Gafcon oversaw the formation of the Anglican Church in North America, and other new jurisdictions have followed in New Zealand and Brazil.