Our Values
ANiE exists to be an authentic and authorised home for faithful Anglicans in Europe to guard and herald biblical truth.
We are passionate about Jesus, that his rescue and rule is graciously open to all and revolutionises lives through repentance and faith in him … so from a foundation of heartfelt adoration of the Saviour we partner in mission boldly and creatively to make disciples for him across Europe.
We believe the Bible to be God’s word written, our final authority and unchangeable standard for belief and behaviour… so as we walk compassionately with individuals, we are willing to lovingly challenge distortions of the gospel message in the church and wider society which lead to confusion, ungodly practice and eternal danger.
We believe Jesus changes lives
We rejoice to be part of the worldwide church
We long for the reality of the universal church that will encompass people from every nation, tribe, people and language … so we value and welcome the racial and cultural diversity of the faithful worldwide Anglican family under Gafcon.
We recognise and applaud the moral and spiritual leadership of the Global South and we are committed to learning from faithful Christians persevering under oppression, persecution and poverty.
We joyfully anticipate the fulfilment of God’s eternal plan to unite all things under Jesus … so as interdependent churches we are joyfully united in our shared confession of historic orthodox biblical Anglicanism as summarised in the Jerusalem Declaration 2008.
We acknowledge our differences on secondary matters and so … we seek to demonstrate nurturing gospel generosity to one another with gracious accountability.
We unite as confessional Anglicans
We are servants of the Servant
We recognise the huge privilege and responsibility of Christian ministry … so we expect our clergy and leaders to be above reproach and living worthy of their calling by providing leadership for the good of God’s people that is humble, servant hearted, biblically rooted, pastorally wise, accountable to authority, promotes unity and is committed to agreed standards of Safeguarding.
We believe in the primacy of the local congregation where the Word of God is faithfully taught and the sacraments duly administered … so we ensure our structures serve and facilitate the ministry of worship, pastoral care, evangelism, disciple-making and serving our communities through the local church.
We recognise our mutual interdependence as a partnership of churches… so we gladly submit to one another through recognised accountability and oversight.