A lamentable departure

9 February 2023


It is with great sadness and heaviness of heart we note the lamentable decision of the General Synod of the Church of England to depart the teaching of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church throughout history and across the world by accepting the House of Bishops’ proposals arising from the Living in Love and Faith process.

We grieve with those who have been dismayed and heartbroken by this betrayal in the abandonment of the sufficiency and supremacy of scripture which has until now been the bedrock and rule of the Church of England. We honour those who have courageously contended for orthodoxy and those who continue to hold out the biblical life-giving teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. We especially feel the pain of those who continue to make costly stands for godliness and have been abandoned by those who were meant to shepherd and protect them.

Whilst individuals will need time to prayerfully process the implications of this apostasy and to seek the Lord’s leading for their own positions and ministry, they should know 'they are not alone and they have a home’ within the global Gafcon family; that continuing a faithful Anglican is possible and remains a good and godly expression of the gospel; and further, that the Gafcon Primates’ Council have made provision for them of faithful (alternative) episcopal oversight through the Anglican Network in Europe.

“Time will tell if this is a lampstand removing moment.”

Rt Revd Andy Lines (Presiding Bishop of the Anglican Network in Europe)
Rt Revd Lee McMunn (Bishop of the Anglican Mission in England)
Rt Revd Tim Davies (Bishop of the Anglican Mission in England)
Rt Revd Ian Ferguson (Bishop of the Anglican Convocation in Europe)
Revd Stuart Bell (Bishop-elect of the Anglican Convocation in Europe)