Consecration Service
of Stuart Bell

Saturday 18th March, 11am

Come and celebrate the consecration of Stuart Bell as an Assistant Bishop for the Anglican Network in Europe

Gwasanaeth Cysegru
Stuart Bell

18fed Mawrth, 11 y bore

Dewch i ddathlu gwasanaeth cysegru Stuart Bell yn Esgob Cynorthwyol yn y Rhwydwaith Anglicanaidd yn Ewrop

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New bishop for a growing Anglican Network

The Anglican Convocation in Europe is part of the Gafcon authorised home for historic, orthodox, faithful, Biblical, confessional Anglicans in the Anglican Network in Europe. Under its presiding bishop, Andy Lines, the Network is providing for growth and enabling a relational model of episcopacy which many have never yet experienced in the Canterbury-aligned structures. Instead of remote organisational management, the Network offers personal prayerful support and encouragement, oversight and accountability to both ministers and congregations in holding out the hope of the gospel to our needy continent. 

Stuart Bell will be the 4th Assistant Bishop to be consecrated for the Network.

Cartref awdurdodedig Gafcon ar gyfer Anglicaniaid uniongred, ffyddlon a Beiblaidd o fewn y Rhwydwaith Anglicanaidd yn Ewrop yw’r Confocasiwn Anglicanaidd yn Ewrop. O dan ei esgob llywyddol, Andy Lines, mae’r Rhwydwaith yn darparu ar gyfer tyfiant, ac yn galluogi model perthnasol o esgobaeth, nad yw wedi ei brofi gan lawer o dan strwythurau Caergaint. Yn lle rheolaeth sefydliadol o bell, mae’r Rhwydwaith yn cynnig cefnogaeth weddigar bersonol, ac anogaeth, goruchwyliaeth ac atebolrwydd i weinidogion a chynulleidfaoedd wrth gynnal gobaith yr efengyl i’n cyfandir anghenus.

Stuart Bell fydd y pedwerydd Esgob Cynorthwyol i gael ei gysegru ar gyfer y Rhwydwaith.

Revd Stuart Bell

Originally from Devon, along with his wife Pru, Stuart was called to serve the gospel in Wales. Under his leadership St Michael’s Aberystwyth became the largest Anglican church in the principality and from where over 50 people have gone on to ordained Anglican ministry.

Now leading Fellowship 345, Stuart says, “For more than half a century I have been concerned to bring Christ to the people of Wales and the people of Wales to Christ.  I am primarily a preacher/teacher with a strong evangelistic focus. My eyes are constantly searching for the people in the congregation who have not yet embraced the Gospel in its fullness. This is true of my relationships pastorally with members of our church as well as those which have been established in our local neighbourhood.”

Bishop Andy writes: “I am delighted that Stuart, with his wife Pru, have agreed to help me care for Anglican churches in Wales. Their long and distinguished service and their recognised knowledge of Welsh culture and language will be invaluable as I seek to serve the orthodox Anglican witness in the country. Stuart’s evangelistic focus is an added gift, as is the wisdom the Lord has given him in both difficult and good times.”

The consecration service will take place in Aberystwyth on 18th March, led by Bishop Andy Lines and Archbishop Foley Beach, Primate of the Anglican Church in North America and Chairman of the Gafcon Primates’ Council.

Yn wreiddiol o Ddyfnaint, ynghyd â’i wraig Pru, cafodd Stuart ei alw i wasanaethu’r efengyl yng Nghymru. O dan ei arweiniad ef, tyfodd Sant Mihangel Aberystwyth i fod yn eglwys Anglicanaidd fwyaf Cymru, ac o’r eglwys honno aeth dros hanner cant o bobl mlaen i’r weinidogaeth ordeiniedig.

Mae Stuart bellach yn arwain Cymrodoriaeth 345, a dywed “Ers fwy na hanner canrif rwyf wedi bod yn awyddus i ddod â Christ i bobl Cymru a phobl Cymru at Grist. Rwy'n bregethwr / athro yn bennaf sydd â ffocws efengylaidd gref. Rwy’n chwilio’n gyson am y bobl yn y gynulleidfa nad ydynt eto wedi cofleidio'r Efengyl yn ei chyflawnder. Mae hyn yn wir am fy mherthynas fugeiliol ag aelodau ein heglwys, yn ogystal â’r rhai sydd wedi’u sefydlu yn ein cymdogaeth leol.”

Ysgrifenna’r Esgob Andy: “Rwyf wrth fy modd fod Stuart, ynghyd â’i wraig Pru, wedi cytuno i‘m helpu i ofalu am eglwysi Anglicanaidd yng Nghymru. Bydd eu gwasanaeth hir a nodedig, a’u gwybodaeth gydnabyddedig o ddiwylliant ac iaith Cymru yn amhrisiadwy wrth imi geisio gwasanaethu’r dystiolaeth Anglicanaidd uniongred yn y wlad. Mae ffocws efengylaidd Stuart yn anrheg ychwanegol, yn ogystal â’r doethineb y mae’r Arglwydd wedi’i roi iddo mewn amseroedd anodd yn ogystal ag amseroedd da”.

Cynhelir y gwasanaeth cysegru yn Aberystwyth ar 18 Mawrth, dan arweiniad yr Esgob Andy Lines a’r Archesgob Foley Beach, Archesgob yr Eglwys Anglicanaidd yng Ngogledd America a Chadeirydd Cyngor Archesgobion Gafcon.

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